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Informations générales

Activité Autres
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Inscrit depuis le 25/01/2021
Âge 20-40 ans
Sa description

I have been working on many websites and on many topics as a printer, antivirus, and email services for the last 10 years. And now, I am in the writing profession for many years, to help users in the technical glitches and hindrances. Sam rise is very expert in the field of technical troubleshooting and he is rewarded by many experts.

There could be so many reasons why your Facebook notifications are not working on Android. One of the possible reasons could be your phone notification settings. To fix Facebook notifications not working Android errors, tap on Settings followed by Apps or Apps & Notifications. Now, tap on Facebook and hit notifications. Now check if your notifications are turned on. If not, then toggle them on.

There is so much curiosity to see who is actively looking at your profile. Users often ask Facebook the question, “can you see who views your Facebook page?” The quick answer to this is that there is no chance you can get an idea of who views your profile on Facebook. Facebook has stated that they do not allow users to keep track of people who have seen their profile and that third-party app cannot track it either.

Sometimes the users do not want to keep their email addresses as they are old. The users often ask, “how do I change my email on Facebook on the desktop?” To change your email address, you need to first login to Facebook using your current email and then go to settings. In your General account settings, your email is listed. Click on edit and add your preferred email address and click on Save changes.

Read more: Facebook code generator bypass

Informations professionnelles

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Informations complémentaires

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Site Web https://www.helpforsocialmedia.com/
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Tout savoir sur le contrôle obligatoire des pulvérisateurs

Le dispositif de contrôle périodique obligatoire des pulvérisateurs est effectif depuis le 1er  janv (...)

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